
Copy path to clipboard


let Base = ../package.dhall

let Posix =
https://softwarefactory-project.io/cgit/software-factory/dhall-ansible-collection-ansible-posix/plain/package.dhall?h=0.1.0 sha256:c1b127b528be28294629ee1f8b0d8fc951c7282caaffab6ca675f931ea1450c7

let --| Here the task type is extended with the Posix collection
Task =
{ Type = Base.BaseTask.Type //\\ Posix.Task.Type
, default = Base.BaseTask.default // Posix.Task.default

let --| The new task type can be added to the Play too
Play =
{ Type = Base.BasePlay.Type //\\ { tasks : List Task.Type }
, default = Base.BasePlay.default

in Base // { Task, Play, Posix }