Copy path to clipboardCreate a rule using host first. This is useful when composed with integerMap to add tcp-rules for a single host.
Rule.integerMap (createTcpHost "my-host") [ +9000, +9090 ]
=== [ Rule::{
, port = +9000
, protocol = Some "tcp"
, remote_ip_prefix = Some "my-host"
, Rule::{
, port = +9090
, protocol = Some "tcp"
, remote_ip_prefix = Some "my-host"
--| Create a rule using host first.
-- This is useful when composed with integerMap to add tcp-rules for a single host.
let Rule =
{ Type = ./Type.dhall
, default = ./default.dhall
, integerMap = ./integerMap.dhall
let createTcpHost
: forall (ip : Text) -> forall (port : Integer) -> Rule.Type
= \(ip : Text) -> \(port : Integer) -> ./create.dhall "tcp" port ip
let example0 =
: Rule.integerMap (createTcpHost "my-host") [ +9000, +9090 ]
=== [ Rule::{
, port = +9000
, protocol = Some "tcp"
, remote_ip_prefix = Some "my-host"
, Rule::{
, port = +9090
, protocol = Some "tcp"
, remote_ip_prefix = Some "my-host"
in createTcpHost