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ansible-zuul-jobs contains a lot of duplication and updates are error prone.

Here is how to use a couple of functions mkVariant and mkNetwork to maintain the jobs definitions.


let JSON =
https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/JSON/package.dhall sha256:79dfc281a05bc7b78f927e0da0c274ee5709b1c55c9e5f59499cb28e9d6f3ec0

let Zuul = env:DHALL_ZUUL ? ../package.dhall

let base =
[ Zuul.Job::{
, name = Some "base"
, parent = Some "base-minimal"
, abstract = Some True
, ansible-version = Some "2.9"
, description = Some
"The base job for the Ansible installation of Zuul."
, pre-run = Some [ "playbooks/base/pre.yaml" ]
, Zuul.Job::{
, name = Some "github-workflows"
, description = Some
"A job to validate no github workflow directory are found."
, run = Some "playbooks/github-workflows/run.yaml"
, nodeset = Some (Zuul.Nodeset.Inline Zuul.Nodeset.empty)

let mkVariant =
\(nodeset : Text) ->
\(parent-name : Text) ->
, name = Some "ansible-${parent-name}"
, parent = Some parent-name
, nodeset = Some (Zuul.Nodeset.Name nodeset)

let Nodeset =
{ centos8 = "centos-8-1vcpu"
, centos7 = "centos-7-1vcpu"
, fedora = "fedora-latest-1vcpu"
, xenial = "ubuntu-xenial-1vcpu"
, bionic = "ubuntu-bionic-1vcpu"

let toxs =
[ mkVariant Nodeset.centos8 "tox-docs"
, mkVariant Nodeset.centos8 "tox-linters"
, mkVariant Nodeset.centos8 "tox-docs"
, mkVariant Nodeset.centos7 "tox-py27"
, mkVariant Nodeset.xenial "tox-py35"
, mkVariant Nodeset.centos8 "tox-py36"
, mkVariant Nodeset.centos8 "tox-py37"
, mkVariant Nodeset.bionic "tox-py38"

let network-base =
, name = Some "ansible-network-appliance-base"
, pre-run = Some [ "playbooks/ansible-network-appliance-base/pre.yaml" ]
, post-run = Some [ "playbooks/ansible-network-appliance-base/post.yaml" ]

let mkNetwork =
\(name : Text) ->
\(host-var-name : Text) ->
\(nodeset-suffix : Text) ->
let host-vars =
( toMap
{ ansible_connection = "network_cli"
, ansible_network_os = "asa"
, ansible_python_interpreter = "python"

in Zuul.Job::{
, name = Some "ansible-network-${name}-appliance"
, parent = Some (Zuul.Job.getName network-base)
, pre-run = Some
[ "playbooks/ansible/network-${name}-appliance/pre.yaml" ]
, run = Some "playbooks/ansible/network-${name}-appliance/run.yaml"
, host-vars = Some
( Zuul.Vars.object
[ { mapKey = host-var-name, mapValue = host-vars } ]
, nodeset = Some
(Zuul.Nodeset.Name "${host-var-name}-${nodeset-suffix}")
, required-projects = Some
[ { name = "github.com/ansible/ansible-zuul-jobs" } ]

let networks =
[ network-base
, mkNetwork "asa" "asav9-12-3" "python36"
, mkNetwork "eos" "eos-4.20.10" "python36"
, mkNetwork "ios" "ios-15.6-2T" "python36"
, mkNetwork "iosxr" "iosxr-6.1.3" "python36"
, mkNetwork "vsrx" "vsrx3-18.4R1" "python36"
, mkNetwork "vqfx" "vqfx-18.1R3" "python36"
, mkNetwork "nxos" "nxos-7.0.3" "python36"
, mkNetwork "openvswitch" "openvswitch-2.9.0" "python36"

in Zuul.Job.wrap (base # toxs # networks)