How to run the tests¶
Software Factory’s functional tests and health-check tests are located in the sf-ci repository.
All commands below must be run as root user.
To deploy a software factory to hack and run tests just follow the quickstart guide or the sandbox section.
Functional tests¶
After having deployed Software Factory, run:
yum install -y python-nose
sudo ./scripts/ nosetests -sv tests/functional/
Most tests can be executed without the script but some of them require to be wrapped inside a network namespace to simulate external remote access to the Software Factory gateway.
Health-check playbooks¶
After having deployed Software Factory using sf-ci, run:
pushd tests/functional/provisioner/ && python && popd
ansible-playbook -e @health-check/group_vars/all.yaml health-check/sf-health-check.yaml
The health-check playbooks complete the functional tests coverage by testing:
- Zuul
- Gerritbot
Testinfra validation¶
After having deployed Software Factory, run:
sfconfig --skip-install --skip-setup --enable-insecure-workers
The testinfra checks are simple smoke tests validating Software Factory’s services are up and running.
Scratch a deployment¶
To scratch a deployment and start over, use the “–erase” argument:
sfconfig --erase
This command erases all data from the current deployment and uninstalls most of the Software Factory packages. It is recommended to start working on new features or bug fixes on a clean environment.
When switching from a minimal deployment to an allinone it is advised to run that command beforehand to avoid some side effects during functional tests.