
Software Factory’s architecture is modular and defined in a single file called arch.yaml. This file defines how services are deployed. Each host declares:

  • A hostname,
  • An IP address,
  • An optional public_url, and
  • A list of components.

For example, to add a new zuul-merger, start a new instance inside the internal network of the deployment, enable ssh connections by copying the install server root user public ssh key to the authorized_keys of the new instance and update the arch.yaml with:

vim /etc/software-factory/arch.yaml # Add new host:
    - name: zm02
      ip: 192.168.0.XXX
        - zuul-merger


The architecture is defined in /etc/software-factory/arch.yaml:

  - name: node01
      - install-server
      - mysql

  - name: node02
      - gerrit


Any modification to the arch.yaml file needs to be manually applied with the sfconfig script. Run sfconfig after saving the sfconfig.yaml file.

The minimal architecture includes following components:

Optional services can be enabled:

  • zuul-merger
  • nodepool-builder
  • hypervisor-k1s
  • hypervisor-openshift
  • etherpad
  • lodgeit
  • gerritbot
  • logserver
  • nodepool-builder
  • murmur
  • elasticsearch
  • job-logs-gearman-client
  • job-logs-gearman-worker
  • logstash
  • kibana
  • mirror
  • firehose
  • pages
  • hydrant
  • influxdb
  • grafana
  • cgit
  • hound

Check the nodepool documentation to learn how to configure the hypervisor-k1s role to enable container providers in Nodepool.

Extending the architecture

To deploy a specific service on a dedicated instance:

  • Start a new instance on the same network as the install-server with the desired flavor
  • Attach a dedicated volume if needed
  • Make sure other instances security group allows network access from the new instance
  • Add the root public ssh key (install-server:/root/.ssh/ to the new instance /root/.ssh/authorized_keys,
  • Make sure the new instance’s ssh service is configured to allow public key authentication,
  • Add the new instance to the arch inventory and set its IP address,
  • Add desired services in the roles list (e.g., elasticsearch), and
  • Run sfconfig to reconfigure the deployment.

See sf-config/refarch directory for examples of valid architectures.

Migrate a service to a dedicated instance

This procedure demonstrates how to run the log indexation services (ELK stack) on a dedicated instance:

  • First stop and disable all elk related services (elasticsearch, logstash and kibana)
  • Copy the current data, e.g.: rsync -a /var/lib/elasticsearch/ new_instance_ip:/var/lib/elasticsearch/
  • Add the new instances and roles to the /etc/software-factory/arch.yaml file:
  - name: elk
    ip: new_instance_ip
      - elasticsearch
      - logstash
      - kibana
      - log-gearman-client
      - log-gearman-worker
  • Run sfconfig to apply the architecture modification