{- Global configuration defaults values -}
let Infra = ../Infra/package.dhall
let {- The official flavor list that is running on the Infra Aggregate
This can be used for sf, rdo (not tripleo), dci and fedora jobs
-} InfraAggregateFlavor =
{ `1vcpu_1gb` = "1vcpu_1gb"
, `1vcpu_2gb` = "1vcpu_2gb"
, `1vcpu_4gb` = "v1-standard-1"
, `2vcpus_8gb` = "v1-standard-2"
, `4vcpus_16gb` = "v1-standard-4"
, `4vcpus_8gb` = "4vcpus_8gb"
, `6vcpus_12gb` = "6vcpus_12gb"
, `8vcpu_16GB` = "8vcpu_16GB"
, `8vcpus_32gb` = "v1-standard-8"
, `8vcpus_8gb` = "nodepool-infra"
let {- The official flavor list that is running on the CI Aggregate
This is reserved for tripleo jobs
-} CIAggregateFlavor =
{ `8vcpus_8gb` = "nodepool"
, `1vcpus_2gb` = "ci.m1.small"
, `2vcpus_4gb` = "ci.m1.medium"
, `4vcpus_8gb` = "ci.m1.large"
let web-rules = [ Infra.Rule::{ port = +80 }, Infra.Rule::{ port = +443 } ]
in { sfInfraKeypair = ./files/infra_key.pub as Text
, web-rules
, SecurityGroups =
[ { name = "common"
, rules =
[ Infra.Rule::{ port = +22 }
, Infra.Rule::{ port = -1, protocol = Some "icmp" }
, { name = "web", rules = web-rules }
, { name = "managesf"
, rules =
[ Infra.Rule::{ port = +1883 }
, Infra.Rule::{ port = +1884 }
, Infra.Rule::{ port = +29418 }
, Infra.Rule::{ port = +64738 }
, Infra.Rule::{ port = +64738, protocol = Some "udp" }
, { name = "internal"
, rules =
[ Infra.Rule::{
, port = +1
, port_range_min = Some +1
, port_range_max = Some +65535
, protocol = Some "tcp"
, remote_ip_prefix = Some ""
, Infra.Rule::{
, port = +1
, port_range_min = Some +1
, port_range_max = Some +65535
, protocol = Some "udp"
, remote_ip_prefix = Some ""
, dns-servernames = [ "", "" ]
, external-network = "public"
, Flavors = InfraAggregateFlavor
, TripleOFlavors = CIAggregateFlavor
, OS =
let Py2 = { ansible_python_interpreter = "python2" }
let Py3 = { ansible_python_interpreter = "python3" }
let PyAuto = { ansible_python_interpreter = "auto" }
in { CentOS =
let CentOS = { ansible_user = "centos" }
in { `7.0` =
{ connection = Infra.Connection::(CentOS // Py2)
, image = Infra.Image::{
, name = "centos-7-1907"
, url =
, checksum =
, `8.0` =
{ connection = Infra.Connection::( CentOS
// PyAuto
// { ansible_user =
let comment =
"For some reason, this image uses a cloud-user"
in "cloud-user"
, image = Infra.Image::{
, name = "centos-8.0-1905"
, url =
, checksum =
, `8.1` =
{ connection = Infra.Connection::(CentOS // PyAuto)
, image = Infra.Image::{
, name = "centos-8.1-1911"
, url =
, checksum =
, Fedora =
let Fedora = Py3 // { ansible_user = "fedora" }
let url =
in { `30` =
{ connection = Infra.Connection::Fedora
, image = Infra.Image::{
, name = "fedora-30-1.2"
, url =
++ "30/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-30-1.2.x86_64.qcow2"
, checksum =
, `31` =
{ connection = Infra.Connection::Fedora
, image = Infra.Image::{
, name = "fedora-31-1.9"
, url =
++ "31/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-31-1.9.x86_64.qcow2"
, checksum =