
Copy path to clipboard


let Infra = ../../Infra/package.dhall

let fqdn = "rdoproject.org"

let Instance = Infra.Instance

let OS = (../common.dhall).OS

let Flavors = (../common.dhall).Flavors

let instances =
[ Instance::{
, name = "mirror.regionone.vexxhost"
, groups = [ "afs-mirror" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.image.name
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "afs" ]
, volume_size = Some 200
, Instance::{
, name = "centos8-rpm-packaging-ci"
, groups = [ "dlrn" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`8.0`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`8.0`.image.name
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "rdo-trunk" ]
, volume_size = Some 100
, volumes =
[ Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "centos8-rpm-packaging-swap"
, size = 8
, device = "/dev/vdb"
, Instance::{
, name = "rpm-packaging-ci"
, groups = [ "dlrn" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.image.name
, flavor = Some "ci.m1.large"
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "rdo-trunk" ]
, volume_size = Some 100
, Instance::{
, name = "registry"
, groups =
[ "registry", "etcd", "masters", "nodes", "openshift", "installer" ]
, connection =
OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection // { ansible_become = Some True }
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.image.name
, flavor = Some Flavors.`4vcpus_16gb`
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "registry" ]
, volume_size = Some 200
, volumes =
[ Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "registry-docker"
, size = 100
, device = "/dev/vdb"
, Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "registry-data"
, size = 1024
, device = "/dev/vdc"
, Instance::{
, name = "trunk-centos8"
, groups = [ "dlrn" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`8.0`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`8.0`.image.name
, flavor = Some Flavors.`4vcpus_16gb`
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "rdo-trunk" ]
, volume_size = Some 512
, volumes =
[ Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "trunk-centos8-swap"
, size = 16
, device = "/dev/vdb"
, Instance::{
, name = "trunk-centos7"
, groups = [ "dlrn" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.image.name
, flavor = Some Flavors.`4vcpus_16gb`
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "rdo-trunk" ]
, volume_size = Some 512
, volumes =
[ Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "trunk-centos7-swap"
, size = 8
, device = "/dev/vdb"
, Instance::{
, name = "managesf.review"
, urls =
let note = "TODO: move urls to relevant instance"

in [ "https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/api/info"
, "https://review.rdoproject.org/analytics/app/kibana"
, "https://review.rdoproject.org"
, "https://review.rdoproject.org/elasticsearch/_cluster/health?wait_for_status=green&timeout=50s"
, groups = [ "rdo", "install-server" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.image.name
, flavor = Some Flavors.`2vcpus_8gb`
, auto_ip = Some True
, volume_size = Some 40
, security_groups = [ "web", "managesf", "internal" ]
, Instance::{
, name = "elk"
, groups = [ "rdo" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection
, server =
, image = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.image.name
, security_groups = [ "elk", "internal" ]
// Infra.Server.Ip ""
, volumes =
[ Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "elk-data"
, size = 1000
, server = "elk" ++ "." ++ fqdn
, device = "/dev/vdb"
, Instance::{
, name = "logserver"
, groups = [ "rdo" ]
, connection = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.image.name
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "hound", "internal" ]
, volume_size = Some 10
, volumes =
[ Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "logs-data"
, size = 1000
, device = "/dev/vdb"
, Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "logs-data02"
, size = 1000
, device = "/dev/vdc"
, Infra.Volume::{
, display_name = "logs-data03"
, size = 1000
, device = "/dev/vdd"
, Instance::{
, name = "images"
, connection = OS.CentOS.`8.1`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`8.1`.image.name
, flavor = Some Flavors.`1vcpu_4gb`
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web", "rcn-share" ]
, volume_size = Some 50
, volumes =
[ { display_name = "images-data"
, size = 1000
, server = "images.rdoproject.org"
, device = "/dev/vdb"
, Instance::{
, name = "www"
, connection = OS.CentOS.`8.1`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`8.1`.image.name
, flavor = Some Flavors.`1vcpu_4gb`
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "web" ]
, volume_size = Some 10
, Instance::{
, name = "dlrn-db"
, connection = OS.CentOS.`8.1`.connection
, server = Infra.Server::{
, image = OS.CentOS.`8.1`.image.name
, flavor = Some Flavors.`2vcpus_8gb`
, auto_ip = Some True
, security_groups = [ "dlrn-db" ]
, volume_size = Some 60

let mkCentosWorker =
( \(idx : Natural) ->
Instance::( { name =
, groups = [ "ci-centos-org" ]
, connection = Infra.Connection::{
, ansible_user = "jpena"
, proxy_command = Some
"ssh -q rdo-monitoring@jump.ci.centos.org -W %h:%p"
// Infra.Instance.External

let AwsServer =
// { connection = OS.CentOS.`7.0`.connection // { ansible_port = 3300 } }

let extra =
[ Instance::({ name = "backup", groups = [ "backup" ] } // AwsServer)
, Instance::({ name = "trunk", groups = [ "dlrn" ] } // AwsServer)
, Instance::( { name = "mirror.regionone.rdo-cloud"
, groups = [ "afs-mirror" ]
, connection = Infra.Connection::{
, ansible_user = "centos"
// Infra.Instance.External

let vexxhost-instances =
[ "common", "monitoring" ]
(instances # extra)

let centos-instances = mkCentosWorker 5

in vexxhost-instances # centos-instances